Studying Leadership and Management at Bernays
The study programme is unique in the Republic of Croatia in terms of its profile and content at the graduate level. It was designed to respond to the needs of the market for business leadership experts, who have developed high-level competences and can lead and encourage the achievement of business goals in a wide range of business and entrepreneurial activities.
Technological, social and health circumstances have changed the way individuals and organizations perceive the role of leadership in organizations. Their awareness of the effectiveness, efficiency and well-being of employees, as well as the sustainability of organizations, is far greater than before. In accordance with the increased need for the sustainability and competitiveness of organizations and the growing need for support to operational and middle management, the demand for the engagement of experts for modern leadership and management formats, masters of business management specializing in leadership and management is also growing.
Changes in the business environment, the way organizations operate and business operations as a whole have been calling for changes in the educational process for a long time in the direction of innovation and excellence needed by employers in order to use human resources to contribute to strengthening their own competitiveness, as well as the quality and internationalization of education.
This study programme responds to that appeal with a strong focus on conducting compulsory, optional and practical courses in English and exceptional options for student mobility during studies.
About the study programme
The study programme aims to equip students with knowledge and skills for a wide range of business activities and leading operations and teams in organizations. Its purpose is to prepare students for the demands of global business and bring them into direct contact with potential employers and their ways of conducting business. This study programme is the basis of the professional and personal development of an individual, as well as future advancement in the organizational hierarchy.
The study programme promotes a quality understanding of the macro, micro and internal business environment of the organization and the acquisition of all the skills and knowledge necessary to understand the management of the resource base in the organizational environment, including the soft skills of management and leadership, as well as working in an intercultural environment.
An additional feature that differentiates this study programme from similar ones is the delivery of courses in English and other languages, and the selection of as many as 20 elective courses, enabling students to independently form part of the programme. With this, students, in accordance with their own interests and circumstances, deepen their competences in a specific narrow field and expand their awareness of the possibilities of further education after completing their studies.
More about enrolment
Study programme structure
The study programme educates you to make complex decisions in a challenging environment and to make long-term decisions to improve personal development and growth, enabling you to acquire competences inherent in strategic leadership and top management in organizations.
In addition to 11 compulsory courses in the first year of study, you also choose three elective courses from a total of 20 elective courses. During the first year of study, courses are offered that provide specialist knowledge for the education of modern managers and leaders in management functions in companies and other business systems and organizations. Namely, students acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in business economics, business management and management.
During the second year, courses are held that further deepen the professional competences and abilities of students for modern leadership and management. In the second year, in addition to the seven obligatory courses, you also choose one elective course from a total of 20 elective courses.
Of the 18 obligatory courses, six are taught in English, while of the 20 elective courses, seven are taught in English and other languages. The professional placement and master’s thesis may also be conducted in English. A condition for completing the studies is the writing of a master’s thesis in Croatian or a foreign language under the supervision of one of the teachers during the last semester of study, which demonstrates your integrated competence in the field.
Professional placements
Since the goal of the graduate study programme is to prepare students for the demands of global business and to bring them into direct contact with potential employers and their ways of doing business, a professional placement is an obligatory part of the study programme and the obligations of all regular students.
The goal of professional practice is, through practical courses and concrete work in a selected organization that is part of Bernays’ teaching base, to apply knowledge and skills applicable in a wide range of business activities and leading operations and teams in organizations, as well as to gain initial work experience and competences, enabling students to enter the labour market with a strong start.
The content of professional placement is to gain insight and initial work experience, as well as to introduce the student to different business areas, in order to check their choices of professions and future potential employment in a controlled environment, as well as connect with future employers who plan to strengthen certain business segments with new employees.
Through 300 hours of professional placements, students go through all the organization’s departments, where they apply the acquired knowledge and gain concrete experience of working in the real sector and obtain “first-hand” insight into the necessary skills and competences for performing the tasks of a specific position. Students describe their experience in a professional placement journal, which is submitted to the professional placement coordinator after placement completion. The professional placement can be carried out in English.
Students carry out professional placements in organizations from various industries, and the tasks that students perform in organizations are always in the field of the organization’s business activities, specifically related to business economics.
For more about professional placements at Bernays click here.
Elective Courses
In accordance with the fundamental values pursued by the Leadership and Management study programme, the study programme offers 20 elective courses that deal with avant-garde topics in the field of leadership and management. The selection of 20 elective courses enables you to independently design a part of the study programme in accordance with your own interests and preferences, as well as to acquire competences in a more specific, narrower field in which you want to improve upon graduation. Everything additionally enables mobility and internationalization of studies.
Of the 20 elective courses, seven are taught in English or other languages.
An overview of elective courses is provided in the table below:
The aim of the graduate study programme is to equip students with knowledge and skills for a wide range of business activities and leading operations and teams in organizations. The abilities and competences of business management as conceptualized by the professional graduate study programme significantly surpass traditional economic knowledge, providing interdisciplinary knowledge about business in a global environment, business management, decision-making and leadership.
Generic learning outcomes
General learning outcomes
Specific learning outcomes
GRADUATE study programme
Ana Renić Šutić
2nd SEMESTER (summer)
Davor Sesar, Marko Antić-Anić
Darija Korkut
SEMESTER 4. (summer)
Elective Courses
Ana Renić Šutić
Klaus Fiesinger
Ivana Barišić Oharek
Sofiavan der Vegt
Andrea Čović Vidović, Marko Boko
Where to work after graduation?
Studirajući na Bernaysu, učit ćeš i pripremati se za uspješnu poslovnu karijeru više razine menadžmenta u organizacijama različitih profila ili za pokretanje, vođenje i upravljanje vlastitim poduzetničkim poduhvatom. Studij razvija analitičko, sistemsko i kreativno razmišljanje te sposobnost prepoznavanja konteksta okruženja i poslovnih situacija te sposobnost i potreba ljudskih potencijala, s ciljem stvaranja proaktivne organizacijske kulture, growing mindseta te uspješnog vođenja i upravljanja timovima, kao i organizacijskom konkurentnošću i održivošću.
It is a dynamic job with a focus on responsibility and achieving goals, which entails leading people and managing organizational units, activities and business operations, and requires courage, resourcefulness, teamwork, emotional intelligence with advanced management and leadership skills, in addition to reflection, decision-making, responsibility, agility and expertise, as well as leading people and other organizations.
The labour market’s need for experts in the field of leadership and corporate management as an inherent meta-management stems from the fact that the international and national macro and micro environment has changed significantly and continues to change rapidly, following disruptive changes in various sectors of the economy.
Kako studij Vodstvo i menadžment obrazuje i stvara poslovne lidera i moderne menadžere današnjice koji će moći uspješno savladavati društvene i poslovne izazove, magistri poslovnog upravljanja – (Master in Leadership and Management – MLM) profila bit će konkurentni na tržištu na pozicijama višeg menadžmenta te će moći suvereno odgovoriti na potrebe tržišta rada za stručnjacima vodstva u poslovanju u različitim industrijama i organizacijskim formatima, budući da će imati izgrađene kompetencije vrhovne razine i moći voditi i suportivno poticati ostvarivanje poslovnih ciljeva u širokom spektru poslovnih i poduzetničkih aktivnosti.
Annual Tuition Fee for Enrollment in the Professional Graduate Studies in Public Relations Management and Professional Graduate Studies in Leadership and Management
For more information about all the details and steps to secure a special tuition fee rate, contact our Admissions Office at the email address or via phone at +385 99 1694 048 and +385 1 5809 367.