Bernays Forum 2023

Communicating & Leading – the Culture of Change
Bernays Forum 2023

Change is an inevitable part of the modern world. Various social challenges that everyone faces, such as pandemics, threats to democracy, economic or climate crises, encourage individuals, organizations and society to adapt and change established patterns. This is precisely why it is important to understand the dynamics of change in order to build a system for effective management of it. Communication sciences and leadership are two important disciplines that play a vital role in facilitating and managing change, both at the organizational and societal levels. At the organizational level, effective communication and change management can lead to improved organizational performance, employee morale and stakeholder satisfaction. The Conference Communicating & Leading – the Culture of Change thus aims to explore the phenomenon of change, focusing on the communication aspects of it, but also the way in which leadership can and should manage change.

With the conference, we would like to explore the following key goals and offer relevant recommendations that will facilitate carrying and managing the change

  • Examine how communication and leadership can be used to initiate and implement change.
  • Identify key challenges in change management and communication and how to overcome them.
  • Investigate the role of communication and management in creating a positive organizational culture that supports change.
  • Discuss the impact of change on stakeholders and how communication and leadership can address their concerns.
  • Provide a platform for scientists, practitioners and stakeholders to share their experiences and insights into leadership and communication of change.

Conference Communication & Leadership – bearers of the culture of change will be held on December 8, 2023 at Branimir Mingle Mall, Cinestar in Zagreb. We invite all potential participants to register their participation by sending an abstract of up to 300 words. Details on registration and participation can be found in the category Participation and important dates.

Organizer: Edward Bernays University of Applied Sciences

Partner: Millenium Promocija d.o.o.

Program Committee

Organizational committee

The summary in Croatian and English should contain up to 300 words describing the tasks, objectives and content of the presentation, an overview of the results of recent research and the conclusion of the presentation. 5 keywords should be listed below the summary. The text can be in Croatian or English, Times New Roman font, size 12 with 1.5 spacing. Before the text of the abstract, the names of the authors (maximum three), the level of education, the name of the institution should be mentioned.
October 30, 2023 - deadline for submission of topics and submission of abstracts
November 21, 2023 – confirmation of acceptance of abstracts
November 28, 2023 - deadline for registration
December 8, 2023 – conference
Summer 2024 - deadline for submission of complete works

CINESTAR, Branimir Mingle Mall, 8th December 2023

Hall 5
Gathering and registration
8.30 - 9.00
Welcome speeches
9.00 - 9.10
Keynote speech – dr. Jon White
(Henley Business School, University of Reading)
9.10 - 9.40

9.40 - 10.00
Coffee break
10.00 - 10.40
Round-table discussion - Leadership, communication and change

prof. dr. Darko Tipurić (The Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb / president of the Croatian Economic Association), dr. Jon White (Henley Business School, University of Reading), Marko Jurčić (Heading EU Policies and International Relations Department within Croatian Employers Association), Bojana Božanić Ivanović (CEO Lider Media), Dario Markas (Večernji list, Co-Editor-in-Chief / Online Editor-in-Chief)

Moderators: Dina Tomšić, PhD, Assistant Professor (Head of Business Economics, Edward Bernays University of Applied Sciences), Dejan Gluvačević, PhD, Assistant Professor (Head of the Communications Department, Edward Bernays University of Applied Sciences)

10.40 - 12.00
Lunch break
12.00 - 13.00
Halls 5 and 6
Session 1 / Session 2
13.00 - 14.30
Short break
14.30 - 14.35
Session 3 / Session 4
14.35 - 16.05