Upoznajte Marinu i Tanyu, koje je Bernaysov natječaj BeReady2Return doveo na studij u Hrvatsku

Upoznajte Marinu i Tanyu, koje je Bernaysov natječaj BeReady2Return doveo na studij u Hrvatsku


Iz Afrike i Amerike u Hrvatsku na Bernays!

Diplomski studiji Upravljanje doživljajem u turizmu i Upravljanje odnosima s javnošću bogatiji su za dvije studentice, Marinu i Tanyju, dobitnice natječaja za dodjelu besplatnih školarina za pripadnike hrvatske dijaspore. Odakle dolaze, kako su se odlučile upustiti u putovanje koje će ih voditi kroz svijet komunikacije i marketinga te kako su se dosad snašle u novoj sredini, pročitajte u nastavku!

Introduce yourself 😊

Marina: My name is Marina Kaleb and I’m 22 years old. I am originally from Metković but grew up in East Africa. I completed my bachelors in Communication, Media and Journalism in the UK.

Tanya: My name is Tanya, I am 22 and I'm from the US (Maryland). I studied Business Administration and Travel & Tourism.

What program did you enroll in at Bernays?

Marina: I am currently completing my Masters in PR and Management at Bernays.

Tanya: Currently I am undertaking the master's program Tourism Experience Management at Bernay's.

What do you think of Zagreb? Have you been to Croatia before?

Marina: I lived in Metković for 11 years so I visited Zagreb on occasion but living here has always been a dream of mine. Growing up in a small town, Zagreb seemed like the perfect  location to experience a different side of Croatia while remaining close to my family. Zagreb is a great city and has a lot to offer, however I still have a lot more to explore! It’s nice to see it more international with every visit!

Tanya: I absolutely love Zagreb and have been a few times to Croatia before moving here. My mom is from here and we used to come for vacation every so often.

How did you find out about Bernays?

Marina: My sister in law is actually completing the same Masters program as I am at Bernays. I remember when she started, a lot of her courses overlapped with what I’ve already learnt during my bachelors and it stuck with me. After working in Barcelona upon my graduation, I wanted to further my education and thought moving to Zagreb would be the ideal next step as I wanted to experience living here.

Tanya: I was referred to Bernays by one of the staff of Zagreb University during a summer course for Croatian since Bernays has special programs for tourism.

What are your plans after completing your studies? Do you plan on staying here in Croatia?

Marina: No plans yet! I do hope to continue working in Communications, specifically Marketing and PR but the location doesn’t matter. If the opportunity arises I would love to stay in Zagreb!

Tanya: I am hoping to work in the tourism sector, specifically in cultural heritage management. My goal is to stay in Europe, it would be fantastic to continue living and working in Croatia if given the opportunity.

Marini i Tanyji želimo ugodan boravak u Hrvatskoj i da se na Bernaysu osjećaju kao doma!

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